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The Province of Tarshus is Shaldor's neighbor to the east. Originally given to his cousin Tarshus and his posterity by Rodanim in the great council of Krevoma 1821, Tarshus is bordered by mountains on three sides; namely the Eastern branch of the Sentinel range forms the border between Tarshus and Shaldor to the west, and to the south, the eastern range of the Spinal mountains start just Northeast of the Great Plateau in Vironia, extend upwards past Silver Gap, and towards the City of Gehlevia, and the eastern coast of Shalrodan.

The capital city of Tarshus is Tarshilon, known for its massive seaport, and for its University, one of the largest and most prominent schools of higher learning in all of Shalrodan, (The other being the Academy at the Oracle of Vironia).

There are a few major roads in Tarshilon. One is the Tarshal road which runs from Tarshilon towards Shaldor between the northern coast of Tarshus and the Tarshal range of mountains which run along the northern coast of Tarshus. This road is best for travelers that which to travel from Tarshilon directly towards the City of Shaldor. To the south of the Tarshal range is the Tarmarak road which runs from Tarshilon westwards to the South Gate of the Dramarak Passage. This road would be used by travellers and merchants that anciently wished to journey to Lashad and the Province of Valrim. The Dramviron road runs from the Southern Dramarak Gate southwards towards Solver Gap, the southwestern most point of Tarshus which separates Tarshus from the Province of Vironia. Finally the Targehlev road runs from Tarshilon around the eastern branch of the Spinal mountains on down to Gehlevia, the capital city of the Province of Gehlev.

The river Tars has its headwaters in the high mountains of the Sentinal mountain range and runs northeasterly under the Tarsford crossing, and through the City of Tarshilon where it flows out into the ocean in the northeastern part of Tarshus.

Tarshus boasts one of the greatest Naval forces in all of Shalrodan, perhaps only second in might to that of the Kolothyn Corsairs, although that point would be strongly disputed by any Tarshian sailor. Fortunately, Tarshus and the Isles of Kolothys are on good terms with each other and enjoy a robust trade between their two provinces.

The pirates from the isle of Tyrrh would frequent the western waters, especially during the reigns of Brammus and Dakkor. These pirates knew well enough to not sail into eastern waters between the Isles of Kolothys and Tarshus, due to the diligent patrols by the Tarshians and the Kolothyn Corsairs, however, once that Gandral and Rosala came to power in Tyrrh, Piracy was outlawed, as the Isle of Tyrrh rejoined the Council of Shalrodan.

Prince Derek, the Crown Prince of Shaldor was sent to the University at Tarshilon by his father King Iotheld, concerned for Derek's safety, and especially considering his nephew Thetus' ambitious nature. While attending school at the University in Tarshilon, Iotheld entrusted Derek's protection and tutelage to Captain Andre, a seasoned and wise former Captain in the Tarshian naval forces, who served as Derek's mentor, father figure and sword master.

The Port of Tarshilon is a bustling hive of activity, and the shipyards at Tarshilon is second in size and production capability only to the great shipyards of Commorol Bay.

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